“What I Do Today is What I Had to Discover On My Own”

Amber Dale, the Founder and Chief Strategist at ChatterBox PR & Events LLC, says she finds inspiration and positivity all around her

Can you share a little bit about what it is that you do and what a typical day for you is like?
I own and run a bespoke PR and integrated marketing consultancy called Chatterbox PR & Events LLC. I am a creature of habit and my day is typically planned. It begins very early with the school run for our son. After this is a quick breakfast and I get to work – it could be client meetings or strategy planning with the team.

I also make it a point to touch base with my clients every day. I try to make the most of my day and be as productive as possible so I can spend the evening with my family.

Did you always know that working in the industry you represent was what you wanted to do? How did you decide on it?
No. But what I do today is what I had to discover on my own. I always enjoyed writing and wanted to pursue a career that gave me the freedom to explore my talent. My first job in PR was back in 2003, and that laid the path for a journey of continuous learning on the job until there came a time when I felt I’d be better off working for myself. It was the best decision I made. It’s been close to two decades since I’ve been in PR in the region, and more than half of that is as a PR business owner. There is no place I’d rather be when it comes to my work.

What first got you interested in the industry you work in?
In 2003 – when PR was a totally new concept for me. I was fortunate to have a supportive team to work with, who encouraged my talent for writing, strategy creation, and relationship management. I’ve learned all there is to learn about PR and marketing while on the job, and I can say that there is no better teacher than experience. In 2011, I created Chatterbox PR & Events and have nurtured and grown the company to what it is today – we are proud to work with the world’s leading technology brands who trust our approach and value our work greatly.

Do you have a role model?
Not really. I find inspiration and positivity all around me. There are so many people around me who inspire, encourage, and teach me every day. My mother is someone who I admire for her tenacity and will to do things that others can’t. She’s fiercely independent and her spirit to thrive in the face of adversity is what inspires me. My husband encourages me every day – he’s the one who shows me my strengths and how I can use my skills to do better. He’s also uncompromisingly critical, but it only helps me be a better person and make wiser decisions. He’s also brilliant with business and finance and I get to learn a lot from him. Also, there is so much to learn and be inspired by a 4 yr old every day.

What obstacles did you have to overcome?
Chatterbox was a bootstrapped business, and this is because getting financial support back in 2011 for a new and small business was really difficult. But the most difficult part was securing clients. It could have been easy to take my clients from my previous job along, but I wanted an honest start to what was going to be my own company, that would one day grow and be successful. I wanted to build a business with my own hard work. Sure, it was difficult, but an honest effort is never lost, and the benefit is visible over time. Today, our work speaks for itself and our clients trust our transparency and expertise.

What advice would you give to a woman considering a career in the industry you represent? What do you wish you had known?
It’s not easy to be in PR – you have the reputation of a company and your clients riding on your shoulders. Learn what you can from the best in the industry, learn on the job, explore your strengths, and be the best version of yourself. Do not be afraid of voicing your opinions. Most of all, build those valuable relationships while you can. Don’t underestimate the power of relationships. You have to earn the respect you get from your industry peers and clients you work with. You don’t know how far this can take you. Last, but not least – master what you do.

What do you do to unwind after work?
I love spending time with my family – my husband, our son, and our 8 cats – It can be anything from going out for dinner or a drive or just watching TV. My husband also runs his own firm and is a professional cricket player. We own an Indoor cricket team called ‘Chatterbox’, so we spend a good part of our weekend mornings and sometimes a weekday evening at a practice game or tournament matches. We also enjoy exploring the UAE and taking long drives to the other emirates.

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