“There Are Still Obstacles on a Daily Basis”

Sarah Battikha, the owner of Frame by Sarah Battikha, says she wanted to be involved with people and help them feel better

Can you share a little bit about what it is that you do and what a typical day for you is like?
I’m the owner of Frame. I own two clinics in Geneva, Switzerland, and recently opened, while being pregnant, a clinic in Dubai. My typical day starts around 7.30 am when my baby wakes up then I breastfeed him. After that, I start checking my emails and any messages from my team in Geneva and in Dubai. After dealing with some admin tasks I then start getting ready and go to work to treat clients. As much as I like managing, I’m still so passionate about seeing my clients and keeping that relationship.

Did you always know that working in the industry you represent was what you wanted to do? How did you decide on it?
I have been obsessed with anything related to beauty for as long as I can remember, however, I never thought I would end up opening my own beauty clinic. After I graduated from university, I went to work in PR for a luxury beauty brand in London. It was amazing but not as glamorous as I thought it would be.

Again I was obsessed with beauty but I felt useless in what I was doing so I asked myself some important questions, and I realised that I wanted to be involved with people and help them feel better so I thought why not put together my two passions ie. beauty and people and this is pretty much why and how Frame was born.

What first got you interested in the industry you work in?
The constant evolution. It’s an extremely fast-paced industry that requires constant attention and I love the fact that you are always learning.

Do you have a role model?
I actually have two. My dad for his passion and business mind as well as my mum who was a working mother but still managed to make us feel that she was always very much present.

What obstacles did you have to overcome?
Many obstacles that are for sure! I think it would require an entire book at least. And there are still obstacles on a daily basis! However, I would say that the most difficult was that when I started setting up Frame I was aged 24 which meant that people were not taking me seriously so it wasn’t easy to deal with.

What advice would you give to a woman considering a career in the industry you represent? What do you wish you had known?
It’s not proper advice but I think that if you are not passionate about the industry and about helping people feel better, there is no point in trying.

What do you do to unwind after work?
Spending time with my baby and my husband is the best remedy after a long day.

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